Dear Customer,
under art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR), and about the personal data of which Virginia Boroni Consultant is the Data Controller and of which she will be in possession, we inform you of the following:
1.- Purpose of data processing
The processing is aimed in particular at:
a. Management of the functions related to the registration in the reserved area of the site;
b. Sending, by letter or email or SMS or instant messaging such as notifications from apps or social web of information related to promotional and/ or commercial initiatives or survey of the quality of services.
The provision of personal data is necessary only for the purposes set out in point a), because the refusal to provide such data precludes the possibility of registering in the reserved area.
2.- Methods of data processing
The processing of data will take place both with manual tools and with the use of dedicated software and will be carried out by the contact person Virginia Boroni Consultant specifically appointed by our Data Processors, also external, who support us in business processes.
3.- Data retention period
The data will be kept, by the applicable rules, for a period of time not exceeding that necessary and allowed for the purposes for which they are collected.
4.- Communication of data
The data processors may become aware of the personal data and may communicate them for the purposes referred to under point 1. to external collaborators, entities operating in the sector or providing goods and services in relation to the contractual and commercial relations referred to under point 1. (factoring companies, credit card manufacturers, telematics companies, debt collection companies, lawyers, freight forwarders, etc.) in general, to all those subjects to whom the communication must be provided for the proper fulfilment of the purposes indicated in point 1. The data could also be disclosed to third parties, during the execution of the obligations provided by law or during inspections/verifications (e.g. Public Bodies, Supervisory Authorities, Banks, etc.).
6.- Rights of the data subject
Sin da subito Lei potrà rivolgersi a Virginia Boroni Consultant- Titolare del trattamento, per esercitare i diritti – riconosciuti dal GDPR – di accesso, rettifica, integrazione, aggiornamento, opposizione al trattamento, cancellazione dei dati trattati in violazione di legge o in caso di revoca del consenso e la limitazione del trattamento, in caso di contestazione. Relativamente al diritto di fare cessare eventuali invii con informazioni promozionali e/o commerciali o di rilevazione della qualità dei servizi, in ciascuna comunicazione sarà prevista un‘apposita opzione che consentirà al destinatario di cancellarsi agevolmente dalla lista di distribuzione con riferimento alle modalità di contatto sopra indicate. Nel caso di mancato o parziale riscontro alle predette richieste, Lei avrà diritto di proporre reclamo o ricorso al Garante per la protezione dei dati personali. In ogni momento, Lei potrà quindi conoscere quali sono i dati personali in possesso di Virginia Boroni Consultant ed esercitare i predetti diritti, incluso richiedere la cancellazione dei dati, indirizzando le Sue richieste mediante posta elettronica a: Responsabili Virginia Boroni Consultant e-mail: